Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Water cleanse symbol

Perhaps you already know all there is to know about water? Well, let me share just one thing more.

Did you know that
if you drink bottled water, then it's better to choose sparkling  water, because the carbon dioxide it contains can inhibit the growth of bacteria? Still bottled water may contain huge amounts of bacteria because the water may be bottled and stored for more than a year, allowing organisms to multiply.

It is also advised not to use tap water for cooking, because the chlorine used to control bacteria in public drinking water alters the taste of food and adds nothing to its nutritional value.
So you are further advised to use carbon filters, ceramic filters, osmosis filters and so on. Which seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to, so...

Do you want to try another easy way to improve the quality of your water? Why not use a symbol? The effects of symbols are well documented because of the power that they have. Their impact is usually  very slowly to penetrate. But guess what - this water symbol is super-fast in cleansing and purifying water. You can find it here

This Water Cleanse symbol clears water of the patterning it picks up from anything it has come in contact with. It takes just a few seconds to see a difference. All you need to do is – print out the symbol and place your water bottle or cup or saucer over it.

The best part of the process is that you yourself can become an expert in registering the difference. Just pour tap water in one cup and taste it, and then put that tap water in the cup over the symbol, hold it there for some 5 -15 seconds and try again. Taste the difference! And do tell me your experience.