Saturday, 17 December 2016

Habits are the very reason why people make New Years resolutions

Happy Christmas everyone and thanks to all my clients – past and current – for a fabulous year! 
I have just returned from London where I attended a course in advanced kinesiology and learned some brilliant new techniques and corrections. 

Let me tell you about one procedure which I find particularly exciting.

It's about Habit change. 
To break off from some habit whatever that might be.

Habits are often the very reason people need and want to make new year's resolutions in the first place.

The Habit change in health kinesiology is not exactly a correction on its own, it is more of a process which can involve a combination of energy work and homework for you to do on your own and which is really effective. 

The really surprising thing for me was that I broke my own 'bad habit' (which I'm slightly ashamed of :) so I won't mention it here) right there and then. Since I came back from London – just the thought of doing it feels wrong.

So what exactly are Habits?

They are part of the way we automate our everyday living. If we had to consciously control every aspect of our lives we would be unable to survive. Just imagine working out each little step of the process of eating, for example! 

Unfortunately, we also have 'bad' habits that have outlived themselves or are simply annoying to ourselves or others.

Like some physical habits – biting fingernails.. picking nose...speaking with mouth full...biting pen... sleeping with makeup on.. spitting... biting lips ... fiddling with hair.... or with keys.... cheek biting...

Verbal habits – actual words or sounds such as 'er' 'um' 'ah' said... Or stammering.. Swearing... Lying.. Even a quiet Self criticism...

Behavioural habits - watching reality TV, emotional shopping, smoking, overeating or drinking etc

They may be even  “habits of omission”, e.g. Not smiling enough. Not holding eye contact .

Yes, there is plenty of advice around on how to stick to your commitments if you want to break a habit. 
But, sometimes will-power is not enough especially if the habit has been set up in early years. 

So if you are struggling with some habit, come and finally tackle those unwanted habits!  

You may well want to take advantage of this winter's New Year Package for yourself and your loved one's.

New Year Package Offer

Enjoy 5 sessions of Health Kinesiology for a discounted price of £ 170 (a saving of £30)!
The package can be either used solely for yourself or may also be shared between loved ones or close friends.
The Package is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.
The offer is available for habit-breaking (i.e. you may find that your own habit is broken after a couple of sessions and a friend or family member can use the remaining sessions to work on their habits) or for general issues.

You can still buy Aulterra Neutralizers  

the fancy looking 'stickers' which reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields from mobile phones and other small electronic devices. I can also test them for you.

You can get them directly from me - until the end of the year for just £6 per neutralizer or 3 for £15 (normal price is £7 each or £18 for 3).
So contact me to get your stockings filled and your children and yourself protected :)

I am closed from 24th-26th December and from 31st - 1st January but aside from that it's business as usual during the festive season

Have yourselves a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, 19 August 2016

The Controversial Coffee Question: EXPLAINED.

To drink coffee? Or to abstain? What about instant coffee? Maybe decaf?
Sometimes clients ask me questions like “Is it ok to drink coffee?”

Well, the short answer is YES! (unless you are in some way intolerant to coffee or your body is not processing it well- which I can easily test).

Everyone else who likes coffee can drink it guilt-free. Coffee is not “the bad guy”. Contrary to common opinion, it has never caused gastritis or any other digestive issues. The causes of such things never lie on the surface.

There are, however, just a few things to bear in mind.

1. Coffee is an excellent diuretic. Within a half an hour you have to go to toilet. Coffee dehydrates the body. So along with coffee always drink water, otherwise you lose more valuable water than you take in. If you ever take a holiday in Italy, you'll see this wherever you go– along with their coffee they also have a glass of water.

2. While coffee is not in itself a “bad guy”, it often keeps bad company - sugar and milk:
Sugar – because of all the hormone and blood vessel disruptive properties, and milk - for increased production of phlegm and hormone disruptive properties as well. So try to teach yourself to drink coffee black. The only downside to that is that the coffee then really must be good and not some liquid filth that needs sugar and milk to be drinkable.

So bearing all that in mind, what's good about coffee for your health and wellbeing ?

  • According to the latest research, caffeine containing coffee strengthens blood vessels and the heart as well as lowering blood pressure. Yes, yes – it actually lowers blood pressure (that's why if you wake up during the night, have a cup, despite it being a stimulant, you will actually find that it is much easier to fall back to sleep) (This research was done on 430,000 people over several decades.)
  • it also turns out that for people who drink one cup of coffee a day liver cirrhosis happens 23% less than for those who don't drink coffee at all.
  • Coffee is also a great psycho-stimulant meaning it helps to mobilise our short-term memory. It is this memory that we use most often in our daily lives. In cases of Alzheimer's for example – it is the operational memory that gets lost – e.g. the sufferer cannot remember where they put the keys... cannot remember why they were going to the kitchen etc.... 2-3 cups a day is not proven to prevent this but mobilising one's short-term memory regularly may slow down the process of memory loss and possibly postpone it slightly.
  • Other research (done in Switzerland and Sweden) suggests that caffeine can prevent breast cancer, because it attaches to the same receptor sites where the 'evil' chemicals want to attach themselves.

All these good things relate only to caffeine containing coffee.

Where is the most caffeine?

In ground coffee? In instant coffee? Or coming out of those fancy capsule coffee machines?

It turns out that instant coffee contains more caffeine than the natural ground coffee.
But the coffee made in the fancy capsule coffee machines have the maximum possible caffeine. In addition – since the coffee capsules retain most of the essential oils that are extracted properly under high pressure – that coffee is indeed the pleasure to drink.

So – make your day with a guilt-free cup of coffee or two! And drink lots of water:)

A disclaimer – I am not lobbying now coffee industry or capsule coffee machine industry. Just pure facts based on research. As with everything else in life, I try to enjoy coffee in moderation. And I drink some Japanese Green tea and herbal teas and keffir with honey and berries throughout my day.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Natural birth - nature's vaccination for life

You might have recently seen the BBC documentary about the U.K.'s only private maternity hospital, the Portland Hospital where prices start from £ 8000. Even more surprising to me was the fact that 50% of births there are Caesarian sections.

At the Portland, the mother chooses how she wants her baby to be delivered. Watching the programme it definitely seemed to me like the first priority was the mother's comfort, but not exactly the baby's best interests.

But nowadays there is a giant study made in Denmark, covering 2 million Danish children born over a period of 39 years between 1973 and 2012. The survey quite substantially shows that babies who enter the world through a Caesarean delivery face much greater risks of developing a range of chronic immune disorders caused by defects in the immune system, compared to people delivered naturally.

People born by C-section, more often suffer from chronic disorders such as asthma, rheumatism, allergies, bowel disorders and dermatitis than people born naturally.

It does not mean that children who are born via C-section will definitely develop any of these immune disorders, but the risk is quite high when compared with people that are borne naturally. You can read about this survey here..

They mention that the cause for this correlation is not known. However, some basic knowledge of natural healing can show some potential reasons for this.

Just look at how a natural birth happens.
A baby leaves a sterile womb and starts to move through their mother's vagina. It collects bacteria, and all kind of germs on its way out in the world. Then the baby makes its first cry and, watch out – the entire collection of its mother's germs and bacteria go directly into its mouth and then down to the intestines... Practically the first natural vaccine towards dealing with all that you may come into contact is happening right then and like that. Even more – when the baby takes its mother's milk, it is so very familiar already, and its body knows how to deal with it and with many other things. This is the beginning of forming a life long immunity.

What happens during a c-section by comparison
A baby is taken out of a sterile womb and placed directly into a sterile hospital surroundings. But everything in this new world is strange. Nothing is familiar. And some babies may find it very challenging to start building the immune system on their own – without the initial support of their mothers germs and bacteria.

Surely, if there are medical reasons for c-section, then no doubt it is in everyone's best interests to do it. And being born from a c-section doesn't mean that you won't have a full, happy and healthy life.

Just as being born naturally doesn't automatically guarantee perfect health. And I really hope that this doesn't come across as being judgemental towards people who have C-sections for whatever reasons but if there is any choice in what kind of birth to have to give a baby the best possible chance of enjoying great health, then the best option is to give birth naturally.

The documentary also brought up the issue of pain. A nurse, or a midwife just mentioned there that some pain must be present when delivering a baby when a woman wanted a completely pain-free delivery. And yes, pain during the process of childbirth is necessary for many reasons... but maybe next time I'll talk about them... In the meantime, I ll go and check up on the next episode on BBC.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Practical guide - How to find your negative beliefs

How To Find Your Negative Beliefs...
and what to do with them when you have found them!

Why this post. One of the most common requests I have in my work as a health kinesiologist is to help people find ways to act differently in difficult situations or to simply feel better about themselves. Negative beliefs are literally behind every disturbing feeling or situation in our lives. They create inner disturbances which hugely effect how we get on in life and how good and confident we feel about ourselves.

What we usually do (me too:) Many of us invest real energy in trying to stay out of trouble by avoiding the parts of our mind that can get us into trouble. As children, we do this to achieve a degree of self control. When we grow up we continue to do it by more sophisticated methods – we distract ourselves from things that disturb us - we fidget or pretend to be busy etc... It helps for a while.

However, one of the most effective and quickest ways to really quieten our inner turmoil is to seek out the negative beliefs which lie behind our feelings or disturbing situations. More importantly - we can disempower the negative beliefs by activating them. This is exactly what we do in Health Kinesiology sessions where we narrow down the stressor and clear it via the acupuncture points.

So, back to business – how can you find and neutralize negative beliefs that hold you in a tight grip – repeating damaging situations, patterns or habits, feeling bad about yourself etc.?

1. First of all, before you even start, it is necessary to recognise that you have a problem. There might be a situation or experience which isn't good. The quicker you notice that you are in distress in your daily life, the better it is – you can only start responding once you notice the problem.

2. Look out for your beliefs behind a situation or a feeling. 
When you notice that you are having a problem in your life then:
  • either your negative beliefs will come easily to mind. And you can take what comes to mind and do the Belief System Elimination technique (watch link below for the technique)
  • Or your negative beliefs will not come easily to mind and you must locate them yourself. Not all thoughts, though, are conscious verbalizations. You may look inside of yourself and find nothing much except a sense of anxiety or of compulsion – that you must do something...
    So what now? Well, there is a way.
    You can often find the negative beliefs by simply reversing your thinking.
    E.g. If your basic thought is “I should stick to my guns” then reversed it becomes something like “If I do not stick to my guns then I ____” . In this blank spot put all the various negative self statements to try them out. Which is really disturbing?
    Or “I have to keep my true feelings to myself” reversed will look like: “If I show my true feelings then_____.” Then what? Replace the blank with the statements that seem right to you. The most potent negative beliefs are ones about ourselves. Find out what you really “think” about yourself.
3. Categorize your thoughts. You may come up with more than just one thought about yourself or other people or the world. So once you have found one or more beliefs that drive your actions and feelings, the next step is to categorize them – see if you can combine statements which seem to be merely different ways of saying the same thing.

The most common beliefs are:
  • about oneself. The most potent ones. For example, beliefs about your personal place in the world: “I am nobody” “I am not there”, “I don't exist”; Beliefs about personal safety – I cannot trust anyone, I feel threatened, in danger etc; Beliefs about personal power and control: It's not ok to show my feelings, I can't stand up for myself. About self worth: I am bad, worthless.... I deserve to be punished... About self blame: I should have known better, it's all my fault etc.
  • about other people like “People are evil”
  • about the world.

4. And now is the time to clear these beliefs
It is best to begin by eliminating the belief that most disturbs you. After one is done, move to the next most disturbing and so on.

How do you do this? The procedure is demonstrated in Health Kinesiology Self Help video “Belief system elimination” Watch here.

5. And finally, notice the changes
Once the work is done – and doing it can be rather effortless – you will experience that the negative self-beliefs simply don't activate in situations where they used to have a considerable power over you.

A few other things will happen:
  • it will be difficult to be sabotaged by what you see clearly and what is in your conscious awareness
  • a brief focus on negative beliefs will actually reduce or eliminate their power over you.
After doing this procedure you may wish to check the power of you negative self-beliefs in about one week, just to see if the change you have achieved is permanent. Simply focus on each belief that you worked on and notice how it affects you. Ideally, there will be no effect at all. And when beliefs don't activate themselves in real life situations, you will see how life changes around you.