Wednesday, 16 October 2019

No. 1 thing to do to feel better about yourself

The exercise is called - MIRROR MIRROR. And I don't think you will find a better way to start feeling better about yourself.

  1. Take a mirror. Or sit in front of one. Look at yourself.
  2. Then say out loud to yourself “Lisa (put your name here), my dear, I love you. I love you very, very much.”
  3. Now look at yourself again and see yourself as a little child reflecting back.
  4. Now say the same thing “.... I love you. I love you very, very much” again. But now change the tone and intonation. Speak softer, gentler – speak like you would speak to a lovely little child. You will notice that you start to believe your love-confession better.

Thats all.
The more you do it, the better it gets.

It looks simple, but it is extremely powerful...
Many people just cannot say this love-confession to themselves. Some just cry. Great!

If it is hard to talk like this to yourself, that just shows how heavily you judge yourself – either you want to fit into some vague societal standard or you take other people's opinions as the truth.

Stop this all. Profess your love to yourself. As Oscar Wilde said: to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Carry the mirror with you. Incorporate this exercise in your daily routine.

The best way to do this exercise is 5 minutes per go, twice a day. For at least a few weeks to really ground it in your psyche.... you'll notice the changes pretty soon.

You will start to notice that you become nicer and kinder to yourself. You will start to cherish yourself more... respect yourself more for who you are...

Apart from increased confidence, belief in self, better relationships... a few other side-effects of this exercise are :
  • getting rid of or reducing long-held negative thoughts about yourself
  • less annoying and frustrating people around you... How come? No, not that such people disappear, but you will not react to them as you did before... you will become kinder and gentler towards other people as well as yourself.
  • you will start feeling better even physically.... Some minor ailments might disappear – those ailments that have a psychological basis.
Do the exercise and allow these good changes come into your life!

Sunday, 10 February 2019

How Come Health Kinesiology Helps So Much?

Aches and pains of all kinds, discomforts, poor energy levels, sleep problems, fatigue, digestive disorders, skin problems, anxiety....

Why is it that Health Kinesiology can help so much?

The bottom line is that there are only a small number of underlying conditions which keep the symptoms running.

What are they? And how does kinesiology help?

For example, if there are any symptoms – pains, rashes, bloating, etc - that don't go away in the usual fashion (i.e. after waiting for a few days, taking some medications, taking longer rests, doing all the things that you would normally do, etc)... that tells us that there is something else going on that keeps the symptoms active or is even making them worse.

Otherwise the body would simply be able to deal with whatever comes. The body is amazing in its ability to heal itself.

And most commonly what's going on is one/some of the following:
  • dehydration
  • inflammation
  • infection
  • disbyosis
  • mental/emotional stress
  • shortage of oxygen
  • toxicity
  • ... a few other things or combination of the above

  • In kinesiology we address these underlying conditions by restoring a free flow of energy. No stagnation means no blocks.. And that is where all the focus of a session lies- addressing energy imbalances or blockages- whatever the amount of symptoms.