Monday, 26 March 2012

Put a spring in your step

It is here now - The Sun! The blue skies! - also in Belfast.
The Spring equinox has marked a time of immense change from winter to summer: as we all know, the days lengthen and the nights grow shorter and more sunshine! Wonderful news and yet there are other changes happening within ourselves which we should be aware of.

The high energy of the spring equinox comes with a sudden shift in our energy as well. According to Chinese tradition, during the colder, darker months of winter, our body’s energy moves up our back and then down our front, but at the spring equinox this process is reversed. Our energy now moves up our front and then down our back, which feels much more expansive than the winter circulation. During this time our bodies must work hard and we use this additional energy as a means for clearing toxicity. At this time, our diets can also change and we often feel more drawn to salads or fresh, green vegetables with all their valuable nutrients. So, what else can we do to take advantage of the unique opportunities this time of year has to offer?

Spring is an excellent time to focus on all the good things about ourselves and to start trying to improve our health and fitness at just the time when the whole universe is working with us and supporting our efforts. How about starting your day with some body brushing after getting up? Or a 10 minute dance with your favourite music? It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise like running or going to the gym.
The hardest thing, however, is simply to take the first step, no matter how small. And after that, finding the courage and the determination to do it regularly. But some positive thoughts can help you to take that crucial first step. So how about just allowing the idea into your mind first? Walk around with it for a few days and let it slowly take root. Nurture it. You may find yourself having to deal with a few objections, so let’s have a look at a few of the most common ones:

-         “I’m too busy, I don’t have the time.”  How about reminding yourself that it is your body which allows you to experience well-being, to work, to play and to consume all the lovely fruits that life has to offer. Why would you not want to find the time to support this body?
-         “I don’t know where to start.” Then why not start doing what you enjoy most? A long walk along the beach, a short cycle by the riverside or even a swing in the park with the kids? And do it for as long or as short as you wish. No hard classes whatsoever.
-         “It’s no use, I don’t believe that I can change anything about my body.” Well, how about considering what you can do and allowing a few more positive thoughts to come into your mind first. “I can do this. I can go for a little walk this evening”. “I could try that”. “I am taking my first steps on my way to becoming more fit”.
-         “I don’t like my body. I never have and I never will.” Remembering that your body is your only real, permanent home can help you to treat it better, to accept it more easily and to support it in whatever way it needs. Just as you would support your own material needs.
-         “I feel so tired. I really don’t want to do anything.” That’s a hard one. Why not start by exercising your willpower?  If you do nothing, your situation can only become worse. Even taking a few tiny steps and only using whatever small amount of energy you have will actually be changing your life for the better. And, if you only allow it, one small change will inevitably lead to another until the snowball effect can slowly begin to take place.

Nurturing an idea for a while allows it to grow and to develop. The idea naturally becomes stronger and it will then be much easier to start whatever action plan seems best for you. And then do it, but do it regularly. Start enjoying the feelings that the results will bring – more energy, greater vitality, better health and, above all that, the sweet feeling of accomplishment – that you did it!

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