Tuesday, 4 July 2017

A very special July offer

Only £ 30 for a session for one week starting July 10-17. 

Celebrating your birthday this month? Many happy returns!What do we know about the general health and health risks for babies born in July?

Based on statistical research by the University of Columbia, covering almost 2 million people's medical records between 1900 and 2000, there's some great news::

  • babies born in July are, along with May babies, statistically less at risk of contracting any specific major illnesses than those born in other months.

One or two smaller clouds on the horizon :
  • there is a slightly higher than average risk of developing asthma
  • and women born in July are slightly less fertile. Very slightly.

Of course, the risk of disease depends on a huge number of factors, not just the environment that we are born into, or the actions of our parents while expecting us.

July can be a funny month here in Belfast.
Some people will be out enjoying the 12th celebrations while others will flee the city, even the country, to get away from it. But if you are still at home and not out marching and you have any health concerns that you haven't resolved, you can always contact me to book an appointment where we can address these issues and bring about the resolution you need.

In addition, with this being a quiet time of year for businesses here – I still have a few slots available next week- so I am making a very special July offer – only £ 30 for a session for one week starting July 10-17.

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