How I can help

 Welcome to my practice.

Whether it’s a physical pain/discomfort that you cannot shift, or an emotional issue where you feel stuck, Health Kinesiology (HK) can help.

How I can help:
The areas I most commonly support clients:

Digestive disorders – bloating, cramping, acid reflux, cravings, diarrhoea
Allergies and intolerances
Asthma and other breathing problems
Aches and pains of all kinds, headaches, discomforts, chronic pain
Poor energy levels, sleep problems, fatigue
Anxiety and other mental & emotional stress-related conditions
Hormonal imbalance - PMS, menopausal issues
Skin conditions - eczema, psoriasis etc
Lowered immune function & inflammatory conditions - swollen/painful joints

Sometimes people come to me to help achieve personal goals or to overcome obstacles in their personal lives e.g.
     sharpen mental focus
     increase confidence and self-esteem
     improve sports performance
     overcome trauma
     release fears and phobias

How can it be that Health Kinesiology can help so much?

If there are any symptoms – pains, rashes, bloating, etc - that don't go away in the usual fashion (i.e.after waiting for a few days, taking some medications, having massages, taking longer rests etc)... that tells us that there is some underlying condition keeping the symptoms running. 

In HK I deal exactly with the underlying conditions, otherwise the body would simply be able to deal with whatever comes. 

And the bottom line is that there are not so many underlying conditions which keep the symptoms running:
  • dehydration
  • inflammation
  • infection
  • disbyosis
  • mental/emotional stress
  • shortage of oxygen
  • toxicity
  • ...
So that's where all the focus of a session lies despite the amount of symptoms.

My work simply revolves around helping people who
  • prefer natural and non-invasive methods to keep themselves healthy and on track in a long-term.
  • cannot resolve their health issues whatever they try. Often medical tests will come back clear saying that everything is fine. But they know – something is not quite right with them.
HK can help with much more so if you are suffering from an issue that is not listed, please get in touch and let us see how I can help.

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